
Colbie Caillat

Stubbs 10/22/09

Who knew that Colbie Caillat was good live? I didn't expect it. To be honest, I thought she was just another pretty face, pop artist with a couple of good hits... but she proved me wrong.
Besides having a good voice, she had great stage presence. Telling the audience stories, engaging her band with conversation, and actually being funny - I was pleasantly surprised.
Her newest album, Breakthrough is still reminiscent of loss, love, and budding romance. A classic girly album. To give her some credit though, she adds a beachy feeling. Hawaiian love songs at best.
I sure did enjoy the concert but really nothing beats her opening act, Trevor Hall.

Have you heard of him? I was stunned that I hadn't. South Carolina born and raised, Trevor grew up around music but his sound isn't replication of his father or other musician's he knew. Reggae infused with a delightful, soft, and soulful voice - Trevor is uncommon. I met him after, excited to buy his CD's and get his John Hancock. His self-titled CD is fabulous.
I recommend buying the whole thing.

But if not...
Recommended Tracks:
Unity (featuring Matisyahu)
31 Flavors
Lime Tree


One Step Closer to Michael Franti

ACL 10/3/09


"Music is the thread that’s gone through my life and given it so much meaning” - Michael Franti

For me, seeing Michael Franti live.. on the front row... on my last day of beautiful ACL weekend was incredible. Incredible doesn't even begin to describe the concert. I was enraptured by his performance. His energy was exhilarating. addictive, and unlike ANY concert I've ever been to. He has this remarkable ability to pull you in, to make you dance, to make you sing louder, and to make you fall in love. Maybe I'm biased though. For several years, I've certainly grown to love Franti. A powerful lyricist, Franti sings about our world today. War, religion, love, and peace. He sings with conviction. You first fall in love with the beat of the songs. A reggae groove with rock vibe makes you dance, shake, and smile. Then you listen to his lyrics. Some are beautiful. Some are haunting. Some make you explore a different realm of your own imagination. A true troubadour, he sings about injustices in our world today. He is one hundred percent honest in his rhymes. What a wonderful thing.
Franti's music has been a staple in my life. I honestly think it should be in every one's. There is a hope in all his music. A hope for there to be a better world. His music is making people come together.
Franti comes blasting on stage, very first song already getting the whole crowd bouncing. We clap, we scream, and we sing. Then he does something.. I didn't expect whatsoever. He comes out into the crowd. Over the railing he climbs to stand next to us and sing in union. His foot tapping in time with mine, I immediately feel a connection with a person I had never met. That's the power of his music. The rest of his show went great. I was reluctant to watch him go at the end. He came out and gave us all hugs, wishing us happiness, giving us his prayers. I was staggered. I couldn't even describe how I felt. There was certainly a euphoric feeling from just watching his show. Simply put: it was beautiful.

For anyone having second thoughts about going to see a show, I pray you go. His shows are not ordinary or regular. His shows are something you have to experience to even understand.

He'll be on tour this year with John Mayer - you should check tour dates to make sure you don't miss this epic combination.

"Life is too short to make just one decision
Music is to large for just one station
Love is to big for just one nation and
God is to big for just one religion."
-East to the West

Still in love...




ACL 10/03/09

One of the VERY best. Yes, it's Ghostland Observatory.
Interestingly enough, they don't consider themselves a band, but more of a duo with a promise. A promise to create amazing, soul enriching music that includes their funky beats and love for rock 'n roll. From Austin, Texas (holllaaa!) they have worked countless hours to release two great albums, Papparazzi Lightning and Robotique Majestique.
Front man Aaron Behrens and producer/drummer Thomas Turner are greatly influenced by Daft Punk, Laurent Garnier and Green Velvet. Behrens has even been compared vocally to Freddie Mercury and Prince.
Their sound is a blend of electronics, guitar, drums, and vocals. The beats are contagious and grow into a loud and noisy but so wonderful hubbub of music.
Many of my friends had told me about Ghostland and their amazing live shows which are full of crazy light effects and insane dancing from Behren. Though their excitement was enough to entice me to see a show, they're descriptions couldn't even justify how amazing the show actually was. Extremely exhausted from a whole day at ACL I couldn't believe that my feet continued to function as it was near impossible not to dance during every song. Behren's energy was incredible. I honestly couldn't take my eyes off him as he moved from one end of the stage to the other. His voice was so fresh and unknown, his sound was unlike any other.
As Ghostland Observatory begins to skyrocket to success, as I imagine they will, I don't think their sound will be compared to previous artists but rather other artists will be compared to them.
Get your dancing shoes on.

Recommended Tracks: Sad Sad City, Strange Lover, Piano Man



Come on, lets Cope.

Citizen Cope.

"A modern day bluesman who paints a plaintive portrait of the human condition."
- Rolling Stone

ACL 10/03/09
I close my eyes. My foot taps against the earth as my hips sway keeping time to the rhythm. I reach into my bag for the lyrics like everyone else does to sing along with him as he stands with his guitar. He is soulful, thoughtful, and altogether wonderful. You know the drill if you've ever seen a favorite artist live. You stand elbow to elbow with other lovers who all seem to share the same belief that this music is beautiful.
Cope is a poet, an insanely amazing lyricist that chooses to sing about grief, love, triumph, and a whole laundry list of other relatable situations.
His lyrics are personal making you think he is pouring his heart out for all to see every time he opens his mouth. You feel an electricity, an indescribable music high that makes you want to hear more. "Keep playing" is all you want to say. His voice is unlike others. Now that I think of it, I can't compare him to another artist. He is authentic.
Amazingly enough, he is always grateful. Looking at the audience with great thankfulness for enjoying his show, I can't help but think he did more for me than I for him. I am buzzing afterwards contemplating his smooth, soulful, and addictive voice that is now stuck in my head. He is an ace, a man of many tricks - someone who makes magic with words.
If you haven't listened, you must.

Recommended Tracks: Bullet and a Target, Sideways, Sons Gonna Rise


Kings of Leon

The Kings... of what?

ACL 10/02/09

Being a long time fan of the Kings of Leon, listening to their first album Youth and Young Manhood released in 2003 and now loving Only by the Night, I have to admit I wasn't very impressed by their show. Don't get me wrong, they are insanely amazing musicians and with their success story you can't help but like them, but I wasn't very blown away by their stage presence. For me, a fabulous show depends on if the artist is willing to interact with the crowd and play for them. Kings just weren't there for me. True musicians though, they played all their big hits and sounded great.
Knowing the Kings aren't going anywhere (almost exact quote from lead singer, Caleb Followill) I look forward to seeing a concert in the years to come. Maturing might be good for them.

Recommended Tracks: Sex on Fire, 17, Use Somebody


phoenix please.

Think France. Think late 90's. Think Vampire Weekend. Find Phoenix.

Band Members: Thomas Mars (the man behind the beautiful voice), Deck D'Arcy (bass), Laurent Brancowitz (guitar), and Christian Mazzalai (guitar).

ACL 10/02/09
Put in Phoenix's latest CD (Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix) and you'll feel like you were at the concert. They sounded amazing live so it didn't surprise me when a huge crowd gathered to see Mars jump around on stage passionately belting out the lyrics. From France, Phoenix released their first album in 2000, but their new release (WFP; for short) is by far their best one. The breezy vocals, catchy lyrics, and addicting sound are just a few of Phoenix's best traits. Sounding more like an American
college group than a French band from Versailles, they're perfect for dancing and you can't help but sing along. Mars voice
is endearingly catchy (think Britt Daniel from Spoon) and makes Phoenix the noteworthy band it's becoming.
They're show was one of my favorites at ACL. But then again, they're CD is a regular in my car.

Recommended Tracks: 1901, Lisztomania, Lasso




Knux anyone?

Wrap your head around this one: A self-produced group comprised of two brothers from New Orleans who sound like Outkast, Juvenile, Tha Pharcyde, and The Strokes. Yes, such duo does exist.
So.. where the hell have they been all your life?
A common question asked since they're sound is mature yet very different and fresh - they are certainly one of a kind. But in fact they really did come out of nowhere.

Blood brothers (2 years apart) Krispy and Al were raised by their single mom in the East Neighborhood of New Orleans. Though they lived under the same roof and both shared an interest in high school marching band, they were never very close. Al still claims to have been the less charismatic brother who enjoyed video games rather than chasing girls like his brother Krispy. Krispy still begs to differ, but initially what brought the two together was the second Gravediggaz album. They describe their days as sitting around listening to the album over and over. Within one year, Krispy and Al were already creating rhymes and beats, eventually making songs together with an uncle who was a local producer. The Knuckle Heads were born. Right about the time when they were coming close to finishing a demo, The Knux experienced a stoke of bad luck - Hurricane Katrina. Their lives, homes and just about everything was destroyed. Relocating to Houston, things started looking up when their demo landed in Paul Rosenberg's hands. Knowing their unhappiness in Houston and their lack of inspiration - Paul sent them to Los Angeles in 2006 where the recording process began.

“Once we got out to L.A. there was just such a different vibe,” explains Al, “And we were going to all the downtown clubs with fuckin’ socialite girls and, like, the so-called hipsters, and guys like Steve Aoki. It was a totally different scene from what we were used to in New Orleans and the music we started making just reflected that.”

Their first album, "Remind me in 3 days..." released by Interscope Records does in fact have that "cruising down Sunset Boulevard in the summer" feel and it definitely works.

Austin City Limits 10-2-09
Being a long time fan of the Knux, I loved just getting the chance to see them perform live. Energy, Energy, Energy... they had lots of it. Wearing all black in 100 degree weather, Krispy was all over the stage and at one point even telling the sound man to turn it up louder. I couldn't help but laugh at their animation and liveliness. I was a little disappointed when they ended their set thirty minutes early but rather than hating them for leaving, I was eager for another dose. With increasing recognition, The Knux are booking shows left and right and it's evident that The Knux are here to stay. And if you forget, well don't worry, The Knux will Remind You in 3 Days...



The Bright Light Social Hour

"When it's time for some booty shakin', look no further than The Bright Light Social Hour. The local indie group combines raw, jazzy vocals with poppy musicality enough to make any crowd dance."
-The Austinist

ACL 10/2/09
The Bright Light Social Hour, a local Austin band, wasn't scheduled for Austin City Limits in the beginning but instead won the Sound and the Jury Contest. A contest starting with 100 bands competing for the chance to play during ACL on the Dell Stage, was narrowed down to 20 then 5 and finally a winner was chosen. It's very clear to me why they won - their show was hilarious, infectious, entertaining, and most definitely booty shakin'. They are a rock band that incorporates electronica, funk, and indie into every song making for an interesting mix but absolutely a good one. They currently have 3 EP's with a combined total of 11 songs but are determined to record a full album in the next year or so.
The energy infused show could have been overwhelming at 11 AM but they were brilliant performers and now listening to the few songs they have, I'm convinced they're even better in concert. An overall great experience I recommend checking them out before they're selling out shows all over the country.

Recommended songs: Back and Forth (Part Two)



"Oh my baby, there's a light outside.
I must be crazy to be wasting time and if I could be wrong.. well, are you alright?
I'll go running tonight."

ACL 10/2/09
Surprisingly, I'd never heard of the Austin born, feel good, mellow and sadly very forgettable sextet nelo. Arriving at ACL they were the first band I saw and though I was impressed with their somewhat large crowd at a small stage, I was lost in the recognizable sound. The band members - Matt Ragland (acoustic guitar, 12 string, and background vocals), Reid Umstattd (lead vocals), Stephen Goodson (electric guitar), Mike St. Clair (bass, trombone, trumpet, organ. background vocals), and Chris Hill (drums and percussion) make up a not so ordinary group of musicians. With a Dave Matthew's Band tang, nelo has the same vibe as many successful and "already been sung" artists. The lead singer, Reid Umstattd duplicates a tired and breathless voice that reminds me of Rob Thomas during his Matchbox Twenty days and though Thomas is one of my favorite artists I'm lost throughout the show. Don't get me wrong, nelo provides catchy and bubbly lyrics destined to be on teen girl's ipods and played on quiet afternoons but their sound is anything but original. In short: we've heard it before!
Nevertheless, nelo attracts a devoted following and continues to play shows at local venues in and around Austin, TX.

Recommended songs: Footsteps and Jumping Bean




Have you heard of Atmosphere? Probably one of the most commercially successful and long-lived independent hip-hop artists, atmosphere has such a unique sound and lyrics that are sincere and thought provoking to say the least.

Stubbs 8/5/09
Gotta say, I've never listened to atmosphere's catalogue of albums to the fullest. Between Slug & Ant (MC/producer) they have made 6 albums, 11 Sad Clown Tour albums, and other side projects including Felt amounting in over a million units sold. They have sold out venues from their hometown of Minneapolis to huge festivals in Japan. Like i said, their sound is unique. With Ant's melodic beats and Slugs downright honest rapping - it brings hip-hop back to a more textured, old school feel.
My favorite album, one that they really hit a whole new level with is "When Life Gives You Lemons, You Paint That Shit Gold". This album is entirely based around fictional narratives who deal with societal issues - a major theme being parenting.
The song that started the whole album was "In Her Music Box" - a story of a young girl who sits in the backseat listening to gangster rap with her wannabe pimp father. The song isn't about neglect really but how impressionable young children are. This album really celebrates and encourages Slug's growth as a writer.

"This time around I really did force myself to try and write these stories as if I was writing a book or short stories and just trying to figure out how to put them into music," says Slug.

With all these stories, I was surprised at how good Slug was at telling them. He really played towards the audience and during the whole concert I was enthralled with him. Passionate about each character he was introducing to us through his lyrics, excited to tell their story - which could have been our story, your story. His enthusiasm was contagious. I turned to my friends to gush about how great he was - how each song struck a new note, a new rhythm, a new feeling.
He even free styled - I was then convinced that there aren't many rappers that can still flow with such conviction and courage. Not only was it really good, it lasted for about 2 minutes. He could have recorded it right then and made a whole new album.

Still smiling, I encourage you to hear Slug stories with beats from Ant leading them somewhere unexpected but still wonderful.




Probably the COOLEST music site next to pandora, 8 TRACKS is starting to make me an addict. 
8 TRACKS is a website that allows anyone, who goes through the 5 second sign-up, to make playlists based on 
moods, genres, favorites, and other great subjects! Even better you can listen to thousands of mixes by people 
all over the world. This is a GREAT way to discover new music. I'm already a believer. 
I have published one mix so far and its the previous EMT playlist I blogged about before. It has most of the songs
that I said were a must-have for any MP3. 
The only thing I dislike about 8 TRACKS is that when you have several windows up on your computer, sometimes the beginning of the song catches and starts to skip. very annoying!

Check out and my mixes at




All Austinites and others who join us on the faithful weekend each year - ACL official schedule is HERE! 

I'm already making my very own schedule to plan out my entire weekend, so i don't miss any of my favorites! 
I will def be blogging - even if you don't make it, you can still hear about it! 

WOXY; the future of rock & roll.

check out WOXY!

From what i can tell it's a cool online radio, along with live sessions with bands you can't miss! All their live sessions/interviews are catalogued so even if you miss it, you can still go back and watch it - even share with friends. 
It's an awesome way to discover underground music and listen to independent artists and bands. You can listen to their radio 24/7, which rarely plays the same thing twice in a single 12 hour sitting. You can only imagine all the great music you'll hear when discovering woxy! 
Go ahead and type into your browser NOW! 
You will not regret it. 

You hear something you like? Comment on my blog and let me know. Share your love for music!




electronic music technology.

Over the past decade or so, electronic music has been rising with popularity. Electronic music for some is meant to open the horizons towards melodies and rhythms not limited by the physical properties of an instrument and its musician.
Techno, a form of EDM (electronic dance music) emerged in Detroit, Michigan around the mid 1980's. Juan Atkins, Kevin Saunderson, Derrick May, and Eddie Fowlkes were all HUGE contributors to the initial techno blueprint. They merged a Euro-type pop with some soul, funk, and disco sounds.
Today, electronic music comes in all flavors. And when I mean flavors, I mean beats that suit every kind of listener. Some electronic artists add lyrics or inserts from movies or other songs and others use reggae, rock, and soulful styles to add an interesting flair.
Here are my favorites and a must for your MP3 player:

My EMT Playlist!

1. Vanished by Crystal Castles
2. Finally Moving by Pretty Lights*
3. Sad Sad City by Ghostland Observatory
4. Ooh La La by Goldfrapp
5. Blackbox by Telepath
6. Hacksaw by Ooah
7. Kyrian Bee Bop by Bassnectar*
8. Good Time by Brazilian Girls
9. Hot Like Sauce by Pretty Lights*
10. Hidden Hand, Hidden Fist by STS9*

Check out all these songs and the rest of the artists material.

* songs = best/favorite/most jamming.
